From the Rainbow Mountains to the Matterhorn

~ both wonders of the world, each with different environmental preservation in practice

April 2023 I took a trip to the Rainbow Mountains while I was in Peru, you can read all about my experience here.

Then in May 2023 I adventured to Zermatt to take a look at the Matterhorn, despite the weather I still had a great time. In Zermatt, diesel vehicles are banned and electric vehicles are the preferred transportation. It go me thinking…why is this? Does this help preserve the glaciers environment??

Lets delve deeper….

Fossil fuel vehicles were banned in 1961 by consultation with residents. But why? Because there is a strong sense of climate and environment amongst residences and with Zermatt’s main income coming from tourists, preserving this natural wonder is essential as their greatest asset cannot be replaced.

The Matterhorn, covered in snow

So since the 60’s, Zermatt had a sustainable mindset and an understanding of why it was important to preserve this ecosystem. Whereas, the Rainbow Moutains weren’t discovered until 2012 due to the melting of ice caps. Therefore, it is hard to compare these two natural wonders. Why?

Well Switzerland has the monentary funds to support eco choices and implemented practices before any major changes in climate. While Peru’s natural wonder was discovered after a major change in climate and provided an opportunity to support a village through the income tourists provide.

So what’s your point? Regardless of their differences, one point remains….protecting natural wonders should be the highest piority. Perhaps through the income tourists provide with the Rainbow Mountains, similar practices like in Zermatt should be implemented.

For example, stopping any fossil fuel vechicles 5km outside the area and transport them via horse and carriage to the base of the moutain. I know this seems far fetched and excessive, but Zermatt is a clear example of how reducing fossil fuels (excess heat) preserves such a key ecosystem. My concern is if the Rainbow Mountain was the cause of humans, how much more damage could be made by us? Something to think about….

(google images)

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